Logo SCC 240

Attendant I - Cook

Position: Attendant I - Cook
Department: The Sevierville Golf Club
Salary: $10.00 an hour, part-time

The City of Sevierville is now seeking applications from friendly customer service oriented individuals for the positions of Cook.

Primary duties include, but are not limited to, cooking items ordered by each customer, working on several different orders simultaneously; measuring ingredients required for specific food items being prepared; operating large-volume cooking equipment such as grills, deep-fat fryers, or griddles; preparing specialty food following specific methods that usually require short preparation time; reading food order slips or receive verbal instructions as to food required by patron, and prepare and cook food according to instructions; verifying that prepared food meets requirements for quality and quantity; washing, cutting and preparing foods designated for cooking; cleaning, stocking and restocking workstations and display cases; ordering and taking delivery of supplies.

This position requires applicants to be available to work 7 days a week, to be able to be on their feet for extended periods of time, and able to lift up to 50 lbs.  Winter restaurant hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday.

Please submit application and/or resume in an envelope marked “Cook” to: City of Sevierville Attn:  Human Resources P. O. Box 5500 Sevierville, TN  37864-5500. Please call Golf Course for an appointment at 865-429-4223. 

Miasto Sevierville jest pracodawcą zapewniającym równe szanse i nie dopuszcza dyskryminacji ze względu na płeć lub niepełnosprawność w swoich programach lub działaniach zgodnie z prawem publicznym 93-112 lub 101-336.

Miasto Sevierville nie dopuszcza dyskryminacji ze względu na rasę, kolor skóry lub pochodzenie narodowe w programach sponsorowanych przez władze federalne lub stanowe, zgodnie z tytułem VI Ustawy o prawach obywatelskich z 1964 r. (42 USC 2000d.).

Skontaktuj się z nami

Centrum kongresowe w Sevierville
Droga 202 Gists Creek
Sevierville, TN 37876

Telefon: (865) 453-0001
E-mail: sales@seviervilletn.org

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