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Be Sure to Place Your Child Car Safety Seat or Booster Seat in the Appropriate Location in Your Vehicle

Opublikowano 09.

(UWAGA: Departament Policji w Sevierville uczestniczy w Krajowym Tygodniu Bezpieczeństwa Pasażerów Dzieci, który odbywa się w dniach 23–29 września. W ramach wydarzenia SPD przeprowadzi kontrolę fotelika dziecięcego w sobotę w ramach National Seat Check 29 września. Agencje w całym kraju zorganizują tego dnia wydarzenia związane z fotelikami samochodowymi dla dzieci. Wydarzenie SPD odbędzie się w Komendzie Policji (300 Gary Wade Blvd.) w Zespole Miejskim w godzinach 10:2–XNUMX:XNUMX.)

Placing a car seat or booster seat in an appropriate location in the vehicle is extremely important for the safety of your child.

For all children under the age of 13, the back seat is the safest place for them to ride. They are better protected from head-on collisions, which constitute about 60 percent of all crashes. In addition, they are not at risk for being injured by the passenger air bag, which is designed for adult protection in conjunction with a seat belt.

Familiarize yourself with the location of the air bags in your vehicle, with the help of your vehicle owner’s manual. A rear-facing car seat should NEVER be placed in front of an active air bag.

When considering the best location for your child’s car seat, you should also consider the needs of other passengers who ride in the vehicle and the seating position that will provide an optimal installation for your child’s car seat. The middle seat in the back is often referred to as the ‘best’ seat for car seats because of the protection from side impact crashes, but any back seat position is a preferred location to install car seats.

Also consider the needs of your family; for example, if you often park on a busy street, place your child’s car seat on the curb side as opposed to the street side for optimal protection for you and your child when entering and exiting the vehicle.

Więcej wskazówek i porad dotyczących fotelików samochodowych dla dzieci można znaleźć na stroniesafekids.org. Więcej informacji na temat przepisów stanu Tennessee dotyczących urządzeń przytrzymujących dla dzieci można znaleźć w dokumencie TCA 55-9-602.

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Boba Stahlke’a, Pełnomocnik ds. Informacji Publicznej

300 Gary Wade Blvd.
Sevierville, TN 37864-5500
Telefon: 865.453.5506