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Notice of Public Hearing - O-2017-001 - Dog Park

This will serve as legal notice that a public hearing has been scheduled for Monday, April 3, 2017 at 6:00 P.M. at the Regular Meeting of the Sevierville Board of Mayor and Aldermen, in the Council Hall of the Sevierville Civic Center, 130 Gary Wade Boulevard, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862. 

The purpose of this public hearing is to receive public comment on O-2017-001, an ordinance to amend Title 10, Animal Control, of the Municipal Code related to the identification, vaccination, and conduct of owners and their pets within the City and within public park facilities, including those areas designated as a dog park.  Further information on this ordinance may be obtained prior to the public hearing by contacting Mr. Bob Parker, Director, Department of Parks and Recreation at Sevierville Civic Center at 453-5441 during regular office hours, Monday through Friday. 
Miasto Sevierville nie dopuszcza dyskryminacji ze względu na rasę, kolor skóry lub pochodzenie narodowe w programach sponsorowanych przez władze federalne lub stanowe, zgodnie z tytułem VI Ustawy o prawach obywatelskich z 1964 r. (42 USC 2000d.).

Skontaktuj się z nami

Boba Stahlke’a, Pełnomocnik ds. Informacji Publicznej

300 Gary Wade Blvd.
Sevierville, TN 37864-5500
Telefon: 865.453.5506

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